Iowa Future Caucus
Iowa Future Caucus connects Gen Z and millennial lawmakers who seek to transcend polarization and get results for their communities.

Iowa Future Caucus Co-Chairs
Iowa Future Caucus is led by a team of co-chairs who are committed to collaborating across partisan lines to deliver policy results.

Transcending political polarization in Iowa through Gen Z and millennial leadership
33 millennial lawmakers serve in the Iowa legislature
4 Gen Z lawmakers serve in the Iowa legislature
25% of lawmakers in the Iowa legislature are from the Gen Z and millennial generations
1,605 Gen Z and millennial state legislators nationwide

Profiles Of Effective Lawmakers: Rep. Sami Scheetz | Democrat – Iowa
April 21, 2023
Profiles of Effective Lawmakers: Rep. Sami Scheetz | Democrat <span class="dewidow">– Iowa</span>
Vote By Mail Is A Priority For Bipartisan Iowa Future Caucus To slow Covid-19
May 18, 2020
Vote By Mail is a Priority for Bipartisan Iowa Future Caucus to <span class="dewidow">Slow COVID-19</span>
The Youth Earthquake Is just Beginning
May 13, 2020
The youth earthquake is <span class="dewidow">just beginning</span>
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