What would a ‘millennials-only’ caucus look like?
February 16, 2019
DES MOINES – Iowa Senators and Representatives are coming together to announce the creation of the Iowa Future Caucus. The bipartisan group is for legislators strictly age 40 and under.
Iowa Senators Zach Nunn (R-15) and Zach Wahls (D-37) are joining Representatives Joe Mitchell (R-84) and Lindsay James (D-99) to represent our state in this new network.
With the launch, Iowa will become the 28th state to join the Millennial Action Project’s (MAP) national State Future Caucus Network. According to the Millennial Action Project, the movement is directed to young elected officials breaking through partisan gridlock to reestablish political cooperation and create meaningful progress through government institutions.
On the MAP website, their mission statement says, “The mission of each State Future Caucus is to foster bipartisan dialogue among young and innovative legislators committed to working on the issues facing millennial’s and future generations. Each group consists of members of the state legislature under 40 years of age. Future Caucus members are committed to pragmatically working towards a culture of political cooperation.”
The announcement of the creation is being made at the Iowa State Capitol on Wed., Feb. 20 at 8:30 a.m.

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