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Activating young legislators to bridge the partisan divide

Future Caucus works directly with our nation’s leading young policymakers on both a federal and state level to bridge the partisan divide and lead a new era of collaborative governance.

Make an impact as a member

Legislator Experience

Connect with Gen Z and Millennial legislators

Grow your network

Build new skills to overcome toxic polarization

Leadership development

Get results on key policy issues through bipartisan coalitions

Innovation Lab

Elevate your brand as an effective policymaker

Strategic communications

Build relationships. Transform politics. Get results.

Democracy Transformed

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Profiles of Effective LawmakersCongress

Rep. Maxwell Frost: Democracy Belongs To All of Us

October 3, 2024

Rep. Maxwell Frost: Democracy belongs to all <span class="dewidow">of us</span>
Beyond the BubbleNational

Why Obama Is Talking About future Caucus

May 10, 2024

Why Obama is talking about <span class="dewidow">Future Caucus</span>
Future’s FrontlineNational

Future Caucus Partners With National Governor’s Association To address Polarization

September 28, 2023

Future Caucus Partners with National Governor’s Association to <span class="dewidow">Address Polarization</span>

“We want legislators who work together and create solutions because our nation has some really big problems. It’s important to collaborate and keep effectiveness at the forefront.”

Congressman Blake Moore (R-UT)

“Our generation needs to be the change we have been waiting on.

Rep. Jamie Scott (D-AR)

Serving legislators across the country

Our Impact

1,800 legislators have been served by Future Caucus since 2013


13% of young legislators in the US participated in our programs last year


34 states have a Future Caucus chapter


1/3 of all bipartisan legislation signed into law last session was authored by young lawmakers


With one out of every four candidates for Congress in the 2024 cycle coming from the Gen Z and millennial generations –  a 79% increase in the number of millennial candidates compared to 2020 – it’s clear young Americans are running toward what needs to be fixed, not away from it. 

On the Rise is an effort to better understand the trends and demographics behind the rising generation of leaders because these are the leaders who will shape our future.


Rising Star Awards 2024

On November 20th, 2024, Future Caucus will recognize the work of state legislators who embody Future Caucus’ mission of transcending political tribalism. Each award honors Gen Z and millennial lawmakers and Future Caucuses who take initiative in shepherding bipartisan legislation that addresses priority issues in today’s political climate.


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Future Summit 2024

Event date: July 24, 2024

Future Summit 2024

The “three Mortgages” Of young Pennsylvanians

Event date: March 25, 2024

The “Three Mortgages” of <span class="dewidow">Young Pennsylvanians</span>
New York

New York Future Caucus’ Bold next Chapter

Event date: March 05, 2024

New York Future Caucus’ Bold <span class="dewidow">Next Chapter</span>
Rep. Sara Jacobs


Be a part of a network of lawmakers committed to governing effectively, passing more representative public policy, and increasing public trust in democracy.