P.E.E.R Project

P.E.E.R Project


The ongoing COVID-19 public health crisis presents a unique challenge to our democracy, one amplified by its occurrence in the midst of primary season and months before the 2020 General Election. The P.E.E.R. Project engages young policymakers and partners across sectors to take action now to safeguard upcoming elections while protecting voters as they conduct their civic duty. Future Caucus is mobilizing our bipartisan network of 1,500+ young elected officials around efforts to safeguard the 2020 elections, through policies such as vote-at-home.

“A plan that does not afford every Ohioan an opportunity to vote free of charge would be unconstitutional.”

— OH SOS Frank LaRose (R), Founding Future Caucus Co-Chair, OH

“Vote-by-mail isn’t a Democratic or a Republican issue in Oregon, it’s just… the way things are and the way they’ve been for about 20 years now.”

— Rep. Julie Fahey (D), Founding Fut

Vote Safe, Wisconsin

Throughout this election period, Future Caucus is committed to providing any assistance legislators in our network need in order to provide accurate information to constituents or colleagues, working hard to help alleviate these concerns. We call on your leadership to be a trusted voice in your communities. Our Wisconsin Future Caucus had a critical role in helping Wisconsinites navigate the 2020 election.

Learn more about Vote Safe, Wisconsin here.

Vote at Home Rules by State

as of September 18th, 2020

To learn more about the P.E.E.R. Project and how to get involved, email [email protected]


FAQs: Safe Voting in Your State

The global pandemic is changing voting behavior, creating opportunities for confusion and misinformation. State legislators are uniquely positioned to help inform and keep your constituents up-to-date, so we created these resources to help simplify the voting process this year.

The work continues…

Don’t see your state? Future Caucus is continuously adding resources. Send us an email at [email protected] requesting voting information for your state.


Policy Impacts

President’s Update On safe Voting

July 21, 2020

President’s Update on <span class="dewidow">Safe Voting</span>

A Letter From The President On election Resiliency

May 12, 2020

A Letter from the President on <span class="dewidow">Election Resiliency</span>
Policy Impacts

Vote-by-mail Is Not A partisan Issue

April 29, 2020

Vote-by-Mail is Not a <span class="dewidow">Partisan Issue</span>


Profiles of Effective LawmakersMississippi

Rep. Jeramey Anderson: I Want To Add Seats To the Table

July 11, 2024

Rep. Jeramey Anderson: I Want to Add Seats to <span class="dewidow">the Table</span>
Beyond the BubbleNational

Future Summit south 2024

June 20, 2024

Future Summit <span class="dewidow">South 2024</span>
Profiles of Effective LawmakersCongress

Building Civic Bridges With Rep. derek Kilmer

June 12, 2024

Building Civic Bridges with Rep. <span class="dewidow">Derek Kilmer</span>

In the News


Their Generation: The Promise Of Younger elected Officials

June 11, 2024

Their Generation: The Promise of Younger <span class="dewidow">Elected Officials</span>

To The Future! Young Lawmakers Goals in Pennsylvania

May 22, 2024

To the Future! Young Lawmakers Goals <span class="dewidow">in Pennsylvania</span>
North Carolina

Gen Z Candidates Look To Make Their Mark In This year’s Election

May 21, 2024

Gen Z candidates look to make their mark in this <span class="dewidow">year’s election</span>



Rep. Sara Jacobs


Be a part of a network of lawmakers committed to governing effectively, passing more representative public policy, and increasing public trust in democracy.