Young Texans Legislative Caucus Joins Millennial Action Project’s State Future Caucus Coalition
July 2, 2015
The coalition represents a growing movement of next generation lawmakers breaking through partisan gridlock to address issues affecting millennials.

The Young Texans Legislative Caucus is led by Chair Eric Johnson (D-Dallas) and Vice Chair Chris Paddie (R-Marshall).
Young Texans Legislative Caucus Joins Millennial Action Project’s State Future Caucus Coalition
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the Young Texans Legislative Caucus (YTLC) announces that they are joining the Millennial Action Project’s (MAP) State Future Caucus Coalition, a growing movement of next generation lawmakers breaking through partisan gridlock to address issues affecting millennials.
With Texas becoming the eighth state in MAP’s coalition, YTLC will serve as MAP’s official Future Caucus in Texas. MAP builds and supports bipartisan caucuses of young legislators, such as YTLC, that are on the front lines of creating a more constructive governing environment for the next generation. Through this partnership, YTLC will join a nationally recognized community of policy makers that convenes to exchange ideas and best practices, while also highlighting how millennial leaders are revitalizing our democracy.
“Millennial-driven approaches in Future Caucuses across the country are advancing ideas that not only propel our nation forward, but also take the best ideas regardless of political party.”
— Steven Olikara
Led by Chair Eric Johnson (D-Dallas) and Vice Chair Chris Paddie (R-Marshall), the YTLC has had early legislative success by sponsoring almost 50 pieces of bipartisan and nonpartisan legislation on issues ranging from education to entrepreneurship. One such bill that recently became law is Rep. Eric Johnson’s legislation H.B. 1629, which fosters small business development by facilitating and regulating online crowdfunding.
“I am excited to welcome the Young Texans Legislative Caucus to our growing coalition and look forward to working together,” said MAP President, Steven Olikara.
“I am so excited about the partnership between the Young Texans Legislative Caucus and the Millennial Action Project,” said Johnson.
“The very future of this country depends on the success of organizations like ours—organizations that support young leaders who actually want to solve problems and who have no interest in the partisan bickering that has come to characterize American politics.”
— State Rep. Eric Johnson
The Young Texans Legislative Caucus is open to members of the Texas House of Representatives who are 40 years of age or younger, as well as members who represent a district where the percentage of the population 40 years of age or younger exceeds the state average of 58%.
The Millennial Action Project (MAP) is a national, nonpartisan organization dedicated to activating millennial policy makers to cooperatively govern our country. In 2013, MAP organized the nation’s first and only caucus for young members of Congress, the “Congressional Future Caucus,” to forge pragmatic cooperation on future-oriented challenges. MAP also scaled this model into state legislatures, each with a Future Caucus consisting of young, high-potential legislators. The national Advisory Board includes Governor Jon Huntsman, Jr., Governor Jennifer Granholm, and former U.S. Chief Technology Officer Aneesh Chopra. More information about MAP can be found at

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