Young Maine Lawmakers Form ‘Future Caucus’ To Push For Millennial Issues
March 28, 2018
A group of state lawmakers under age 40 has formed a caucus to work on issues of concern to millennials.The formation of the Maine State Future Caucus, aligned with the national millennial action project, was announced Wednesday at a State House news conference.

A group of state lawmakers under age 40 has formed a caucus to work on issues of concern to millennials.
The formation of the Maine State Future Caucus, aligned with the national millennial action project, was announced Wednesday at a State House news conference.
Rep. Erin Herbig, a Democrat from Belfast, co-chairs the group. “This works in the State House, yeah,” Herbig said. “You know, when you have a group of bipartisan lawmakers who are willing to focus on a particular set of issues it produces results. We have seen it time and time again.”
Members plan to focus on issues crucial to the future of Maine, such as education and job training.
Another issue of concern to millennials is student debt and its impact on many young families, said caucus co-chair Matt Pouliot, an Augusta Republican.
“Student loan debt is a pressing issue. I see it constantly as a real estate agent,” Pouliot said. “Individuals trying to buy their first home and put their roots down in the state of Maine are unable to qualify for a home loan because of the debt they have.”
Young Maine Lawmakers Form ‘Future Caucus’ To Push For Millennial Issues
A group of state lawmakers under age 40 has formed a caucus to work on issues of concern to millennials. The formation of the Maine State Future Caucus, aligned with the national millennial action project, was announced Wednesday at a State House news conference. Rep. Erin Herbig, a Democrat from Belfast, co-chairs the group.

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