Young lawmakers form caucus to help solve Illinois’ problems
January 15, 2016
Illinois is the 12th state to form Future Caucus of young legislators.

By Marcia Lense Published: January 15, 2016, 3:36 pm
DIXON, Ill. (KWQC) – Locked in a budget stalemate, what will it take to move Illinois forward? Perhaps the answer is a group of younger leaders. State Representative Tom Demmer (R) Dixon, joined other young colleagues Friday to say they’re starting the Illinois Future Caucus. The idea is to promote bipartisan communication to solve problems in the state through cooperation.
“When you look at the General Assembly, we have members who are in their 70s, their 60s and their 40s,” said Demmer. “Why shouldn’t we have members in their 20s and their 30s who bring a different generational perspective to issues; who have a new way of thinking about things, who see the world a little differently based on the generational experiences they’ve come up with?”
Illinois is the 12th state to formfuture caucus of young legislators. The group will meet regularly in Springfield to discuss current issues, and seek to identify legislation that the caucus can put forward as a group.

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