WisEye Morning Minute: Bipartisan Efforts Towards 2050 Energy Goals
September 11, 2019

At the Customers First! Coalition Energy 2050 Power Lunch, Rep. Adam Neylon (R-Pewaukee) and Rep. Amanda Stuck (D-Appleton), the co-chairs of the bipartisan Wisconsin Future Caucus, gave opening remarks. Rep. Neylon spoke about the Clean Energy Corridor Grants which would create a public-private partnership to create strategic Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure. “This is a green initiative, that’s also going to create jobs and grow this economy in terms of renewable energy economy, and I think that’s a place where [the parties] can meet in the middle.” Rep. Stuck highlighted how there’s a lot of agreement on both sides of the aisle across the country on the future of energy. “There seems to be a lot of agreement on where things are going in the future and a lot of areas where we can talk about what’s coming and find ways to truly work together on these issues.”
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