South Carolina

South Carolina lawmakers to launch bipartisan Future Caucus

February 26, 2025

By Dejon Johnson | ABC 4 News

COLUMBIA, S.C. (WACH) — On Wednesday, state lawmakers will hold a press conference to launch a bipartisan caucus.

The press conference will take place at the South Carolina State House at 12:30 p.m.

Members of legislature will come together to launch the SC Future Caucus, a bipartisan group of Gen Z and millennial lawmakers focused on bridging political divides and creating lasting solutions for the state’s future.

“South Carolina’s future depends on our ability to rise above partisan divides and find common ground. Through the South Carolina Future Caucus, we are building a coalition of young leaders committed to collaboration, innovation, and real solutions for the next generation. I’m honored to help lead this effort and prove that progress happens when we work together,” said Senator Tedder.

South Carolina Future Caucus co-chairs Rep. Brandon Newton, Sen. Deon Tedder, and Future Caucus President and CEO Layla Zaidane will lead the press conference.

South Carolina becomes the 35th state to join the Future Caucus, a national movement of young elected officials focused on overcoming partisan gridlock and addressing key issues with practical leadership.

As part of the State Future Caucus Network, these leaders will promote civility in politics and show that effective governance starts with true collaboration.

Rep. Sara Jacobs


Be a part of a network of lawmakers committed to governing effectively, passing more representative public policy, and increasing public trust in democracy.