Bipartisan State Legislators Announce ‘California Future Caucus’
September 2, 2015
The caucus will be comprised of young state-elected officials and seeks to model post-partisan leadership.

September 2, 2015
Assm. Chang: Christopher Finarelli (916) 319-2055
Assm. Low: Ben Golombek (916) 319-2028
Millennial Action Project: Maria Dill (423) 504-1351
Bipartisan State Legislators to Announce New “Future Caucus”
Caucus will be comprised of young state-elected officials and seeks to model post-partisan leadership
SACRAMENTO, CA – Assemblywoman Ling Ling Chang (R-Diamond Bar) and Assemblyman Evan Low (D-Silicon Valley) will be joined by fellow colleagues to announce the newly created California Future Caucus. The Caucus is partnering with the Millennial Action Project, which seeks to make political cooperation a norm through millennial leadership.
The California Future Caucus is part of a bold but growing movement across the country to bridge the political divide in order to make real progress on issues facing the nation, and reignite civic engagement among the youngest voters. The bipartisan and bicameral coalition will serve as a platform to foster political cooperation, produce collaborative solutions facing our state, and inspire California’s next leaders.
“I am thrilled to co-chair this caucus,” said Assemblywoman Chang. “We really have the potential to disrupt the political status-quo and focus on new and innovative solutions for California.”
“The Future Caucus provides us with an historic opportunity to engage with younger legislators and younger Californians on policies that will help to shape our state for decades to come,” said Assemblymember Low.
“The California Future Caucus represents an emerging generation of young leaders across the country who are moving beyond partisan politics in order to govern cooperatively,” said MAP President and Co-Founder, Steven Olikara. “I look forward to working with Assemblywoman Chang and Assemblyman Low as they create a next generation model of post-partisan governance in California.”

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