April 7, 2023

Every year, the Millennial Action Project (MAP) hosts a National Week of Action in late March. This is a week dedicated to mobilizing young people from all corners of the country — in Congress, in state legislatures, and at the grassroots level — to join together and showcase examples of good governance, and build a new narrative around what effective collaboration looks like.
The eventful week kicked off on Monday with Congressman Blake Moore sharing on how he fosters a collaborative governing culture as co-chair of MAP’s Congressional Future Caucus. The Future Caucus network was also able to hear from some of the younger voices in the House including Rep. Sara Jacobs (D-CA) and Rep. Michael Lawler (R-NY).
ROUND-UP: Bipartisan Policymaking from the Newly-Elected Young Leaders in the 118th Congress
There is a national movement of Gen Z and millennials stepping up and becoming collaborative, effective leaders in…
“Never before are the decisions that we make today going to impact the younger generations more than in our history. That’s why we have to be at the table, because it’s our future on the line. We have to find these bipartisan solutions so they are lasting,” said Rep. Blake Moore.
“It’s incredibly important for us to have young people at the table. You don’t have to be older to make a difference. You don’t have to wait. We need you, we need your voice. We have incredible challenges in our country right now, and we are going to need everyone working together to be able to do that,” said Rep. Sara Jacobs.
New, young elected members of the 188th Congress are leading in a collaborative manner. They’ve introduced an impressive list of bipartisan legislation which MAP compiled in a report available here.

On Tuesday, the MAP team hit the road and headed to Delaware. We were thrilled to welcome the young leaders in the state to join our national movement with the launch of the Delaware Future Caucus. The newly launched caucus is the 32nd state to officially join Millennial Action Project’s State Future Caucus network. We look forward to seeing these young Delawarean leaders build efforts that bring civility to the political discourse and prove that good governance begins with meaningful collaboration. Watch our latest video to learn more about the new caucus launch!
And our work didn’t stop there. Also, on Tuesday, we were able to host a virtual negotiation workshop for legislators about coalition building and winning support from legislative colleagues. Participants took part in an activity where they had to find consensus as members of the House and Senate Budget Conference Committee on a variety of contentious issues. It was a great way to refresh our lawmakers’ bipartisan toolkit.
The next day, we were thrilled to announce new state leadership in Pennsylvania, Alabama, North Carolina, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.
On Thursday, we hosted a national conversation on Gen Z, Millennials, and the Future of Politics through Twitter. Young elected leaders throughout the country joined us to share how they’re working to transcend polarization. A lot went down… and while we could tell you about it, we’d rather show you!
We heard from lawmakers, activists, and leaders!
To wrap the week, we highlighted some of the amazing cross-partisan legislation that has come from our Future Caucus network. While there are hundreds of MAP policy champions who are spearheading bipartisan legislation, we spotlighted a few legislators who have been tirelessly advocating on behalf of MAP’s four key policy areas: strengthening democracy, criminal justice reform, future of work, and energy and environment.
Check out the policy champions list below.
Celebrating Gen Z and Millennial Policy Champions
By: Alexa
We are so grateful for all of the participants and partners throughout the week. We hope you were able to leave with a bolstered commitment to MAP’s mission of strengthening democracy through collaborative governance.
“The younger generations have a profound capacity to make change. And it’s that sense of agency — that belief in the power of transformational leadership — that makes all the difference. It means not only do we know we will inherit the future, but that we get to write it,” said Layla Zaidane, Millennial Action Project President and CEO at the Delaware Future Caucus launch.
Hit the follow button on this Medium blog for more Future Caucus content.

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