Millennial Action Project Releases Bipartisan PSA on Early Voting in Wisconsin
October 7, 2020
Wisconsin legislators and comedians join forces for first-ever bipartisan PSA on voting in the 2020 election.

October 7, 2020
Stacy Lewis
Millennial Action Project Releases Bipartisan PSA on Early Voting in Wisconsin
Wisconsin legislators and comedians join forces for first-ever bipartisan PSA on voting in the 2020 election
WASHINGTON — The Millennial Action Project (MAP) partnered with bipartisan legislators from the Wisconsin Future Caucus, Emmy-award winning comedian Charlie Berens, and writer and comedian Kristin Brey, to promote safe voting in Wisconsin amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The video — featuring Wisconsin Representatives LaKeshia Myers (D), Jessie Rodriguez (R), Danny Riemer (D), and Tyler Vorpagel (R) — marks the first-ever video and statement of sitting bipartisan legislators released to encourage Wisconsinites to vote early and safely in this election.

“Our colleagues in the Wisconsin Future Caucus have banded together across the aisle to ensure that every eligible Wisconsinite has the opportunity to vote safely in this election,” said Representative Tyler Vorpagel (R).
“Elections are the hallmark of democracy,” said Representative Amanda Stuck (D), Co-Chair of the Wisconsin Future Caucus. “It is our responsibility as elected officials to ensure that this year’s upcoming presidential election is safe, healthy, and accessible to all eligible voters in Wisconsin.”
“The health and safety of our citizens and the integrity of our democracy must transcend partisanship, and we must have faith in the electoral process,” said Steven Olikara, Founder and CEO of the Millennial Action Project. “That is why it is critical for young leaders to work together to bridge divides in the state capitol and in their communities.”
Wisconsin voters are encouraged to check their voter registration status and create a voting plan for the upcoming election. Regardless of how they want to vote — by absentee ballot or in-person — all voters are encouraged to vote early to avoid long lines and crowding on election day.
Additional MAP resources on voting safely and early in Wisconsin:
The Millennial Action Project (MAP) is the largest nonpartisan organization of millennial elected officials in the U.S., dedicated to activating young leaders to bridge the partisan divide and transform American politics. As a 501(c)(3) organization, MAP has established bipartisan Future Caucuses in 30 state legislatures, launched the first-ever bipartisan caucus for young members of Congress, and engages over 1,500 young legislators across the country to work on future-oriented policy solutions. More info available at:

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