Maria Meier
Maria Meier is a multi-faceted professional with extensive experience as a senior-level Congressional staffer, an award-winning communications consultant, and an inclusion expert. For two-decades she built a career in public service that had as its uniting thread, increasing opportunities for more voices to be heard. She served in leadership offices in both houses of Congress. Recognized for her work leading an effort to increase staff diversity on Capitol Hill, she was named by National Journal as one of the most powerful women staffers.
Her specialty is developing programs and people — all the while building processes and procedures. From the local government level, Capitol Hill and the private sector, Maria’s keen understanding of how to build coalitions and communicate across lines are reflected in the depth and effectiveness of her every endeavor. She’s got an undeniable talent in solving problems for the organization and helping individuals develop personally and professionally.
Maria Meier is a multi-faceted professional with extensive experience as a senior-level Congressional staffer, an award-winning communications consultant, and an inclusion expert. For two-decades she built a career in public service that had as its uniting thread, increasing opportunities for more voices to be heard. She served in leadership offices in both houses of Congress. Recognized for her work leading an effort to increase staff diversity on Capitol Hill, she was named by National Journal as one of the most powerful women staffers.
Her specialty is developing programs and people — all the while building processes and procedures. From the local government level, Capitol Hill and the private sector, Maria’s keen understanding of how to build coalitions and communicate across lines are reflected in the depth and effectiveness of her every endeavor. She’s got an undeniable talent in solving problems for the organization and helping individuals develop personally and professionally.
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