Young Lawmakers’ Storybank
A curated database of stories about young lawmakers governing effectively.

About the Young Lawmakers’ Storybank
By elevating the young lawmakers who govern effectively, we can create a playbook for transcending toxic polarization and scale a more empathetic and effective approach to problem solving.
This storybank is a resource for lawmakers, journalists, researchers, and citizens seeking examples of quality public leadership in action.
By revealing what is working in our democracy and how healthy conflict can lead to powerful solutions, we hope to inspire constructive and positive change.
You will find five story archetypes in the Young Lawmakers’ Storybank, further described below.

Anatomy of a Bill
Pulling back the curtain on how legislators create coalitions to get a bill from idea to reality in our polarized political environment

Beyond the Bubble
Showcasing leaders who get outside their bubble to build relationships and solve shared problems

Future’s Frontline
Sharing innovative visions of how to do politics better, from the young lawmakers who are on the frontline of ushering in a brighter future

Policy Impacts
Demonstrating how future-oriented policymaking is affecting real, tangible change in the lives of people

Profiles of Effective Lawmakers
Telling the stories of young lawmakers, their pathway to public service, and their impact in their community

Be a part of a network of lawmakers committed to governing effectively, passing more representative public policy, and increasing public trust in democracy.