How to Make Your Government Work for You
February 10, 2017
MAP sat down with PBS’ Rewire to talk about how millennials can break down partisan divides at the local level by running for office.

In the wake of the 2016 elections, millennials on both sides of the aisle have shown no signs of political fatigue. Many young people are looking for ways to stay involved with the process in between elections, engaging with their local, state, and national officials more than ever before.
MAP President Steven Olikara recently sat down with Kate Moritz from PBS’ Rewire to discuss ways in which millennials can take their engagement to the next level – by running for office themselves.
“‘If you feel like your government isn’t hearing your needs, it’s important to run for office or support a friend running for office and get involved in campaigns,’ Olikara said. ‘That’s part of the real genius of the democracy—we always have the opportunity to refresh and reinvent our government. We’re at a time now that we need to bring new leadership to our government.’”
Read the full piece:
How to Make Your Government Work for You – Rewire
We’re becoming the largest voting block—read: most influential—in the country. Being engaged is about more than just voting every four years, though. Keep reading to learn four straight-forward ways you can engage with your government.

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