#GivingTuesday Resolution
December 9, 2019
For the third congressional session in a row, two Congressional Future Caucus members and emeritus co-chairs, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI-2) and Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX-32), moved to promote a culture of service and giving through H.Res 709.

Fast forward to 2019— for the third congressional session in a row, two Congressional Future Caucus members and emeritus co-chairs, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI-2) and Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX-32), moved to promote a culture of service and giving through H.Res 709. The resolution would support the designation of “Giving Tuesday” while recognizing the power of charitable giving and volunteerism to transcend “country, race, religion, and political ideals, and create lasting connections between people.”
Rep. Gabbard made the following statement: “Recognizing ‘Giving Tuesday’ is a great reminder that the spirit of giving, respect, kindness, and generosity can build bridges that transcend the divisiveness that is tearing our country apart.”
The resolution comes from two of the most experienced Millennial members of Congress and builds on a distinct Millennial propensity towards service and volunteering. A 2015 Case Foundation report found American Millennials as more service oriented, and more likely to make charitable donations than other generations. H.Res 709 seeks to encourage and codify this trend, tying philanthropy and personal selflessness to the efforts of our Founding Fathers while charting a new, Millennial-led ethos of inclusive community.
Rep. Will Hurd remarked that he’s “. . .proud to join Rep. Tulsi Gabbard today in this bipartisan effort to recognize ‘Giving Tuesday’ and honor all the great Americans lending helping hands across this great nation.”
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Millennial Action Project (MAP) strictly does NOT engage in any lobbying activities or attempt to influence legislation. The Congressional Future Caucus is set up as an independent entity from MAP. For efforts in conjunction with the Congressional Future Caucus, MAP creates a space to encourage collaboration among young leaders and to promote Millennial leadership in public service. MAP affiliates with the Future Caucus to provide educational resources and support public engagement efforts.

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