GENSummit brings students to the Capitol this weekend
January 15, 2019
The Millennial Action Project partnered with the Mississippi future caucus to talk about voting— Students from all over the state gathered at the state capitol to better understand the voting process. WJTV spoke with several students who found the summit to be beneficial.

JACKSON, Miss. (WJTV)- The Millennial Action Project partnered with the Mississippi future caucus to talk about voting.
The inaugural program, GENSummit on College Voting, was spearheaded by State Representative Jeramey Anderson.
Students from all over the state gathered at the state capitol to better understand the voting process. We spoke with several students who found the summit to be beneficial.
“This generation, it’s kind of a disconnect with the political process and we’re not really in-tune with in the past how it’s been, so this can be the start of the transformation and getting us more connected and in the know, and have college students know what’s really going on,” said Anthony Jackson, a Mississippi College student.
“Events like this to bring us together and start the conversation would definitely help because even though Milsaps is very small, and the University of Mississippi is very large, we’re still dealing with similar populations of students,” said Anna-Kathryn Singleton, a Milsaps College student.
Representative Anderson says the next GENSummit will be held sometime in the Fall.
GENSummit brings students to the Capitol this weekend
JACKSON, Miss. (WJTV)- The Millennial Action Project partnered with the Mississippi future caucus to talk about voting.The inaugural program, GENSummit on College Voting, was spearheaded by State Representative Jeramey Anderson. Students from all over the state gathered at the state capitol to better understand the voting process.

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