Representative Jansen Owen
Mississippi Future Caucus, Co-Chair (R)

Jansen Owen was raised in Poplarville, Mississippi, and is a graduate of the Poplarville School District. He believes in the conservative values that we all share– faith, family, small government, fiscal responsibility, and justice for all. He’s never been elected to public office, but he’s prepared, ready, and eager to bring innovative solutions, forward-thinking ideas, and a new generation of principled conservative leadership to Jackson. He’s ready to stand up and fight for the people of District 106 as their next State Representative in the Mississippi House of Representatives.
Jansen believes in our community. He loves our community. He’s committed to our community. It’s this commitment that led him and his wife to plant their roots here, start a small business here, and raise their family here. It’s why he’s returning to open a law practice here. And it’s why he’s running for State Representative.
Jansen shares a vision of Mississippi that many of us share – a Mississippi where it’s not hard to work, build your business, make a good living, worship, raise your family, and prosper. A Mississippi where special interests, cronies, and career politicians aren’t taxing us to next Tuesday and then wasting our hard-earned money. A Mississippi where our children can get the quality education that they deserve and then stay here – in our Mississippi – and build their dreams. A Mississippi where public corruption doesn’t exist. A Mississippi where the government is out of our way and out of our business. And a Mississippi that isn’t last anymore.
Jansen believes that Mississippi’s best days are yet to come. He believes that this vision can become a reality. But to get there, we need representatives in Jackson that aren’t sitting on their hands and waiting for seniority to hit them in the face before they can get anything done. We need principled conservative legislators who are willing and able to stand against the establishment and fight for our values, fight for our communities, and fight for our Mississippi. Jansen is ready to be that fighter.
Jansen has never been afraid to stand up for what is right, even when it wasn’t popular. He has spent years dedicating himself to electing smart, accountable, and conservative candidates to public office while simultaneously advocating for our conservative principles on the local and state levels. Jansen started the first ever College Republicans chapter at Pearl River Community College, served as the treasurer of the Mississippi Federation of College Republicans, and spent four years on the Pearl River County Republican Executive Committee.

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