Majority Leader Ian Calderon
California millennial Caucus, Representative (D)

Majority Leader Ian Calderon was elected in November 2012 to represent California’s 57th Assembly District, becoming the first millennial elected to the State Legislature.
A product of the 57th District, prior to his election to the Assembly, Ian worked as a field representative for the Legislature, which allowed him to assist residents in his community to navigate state and local government.
In March 2016, Ian became the youngest Majority Leader in the history of the state of California. As Majority Leader, Ian has led the Assembly to pass landmark legislation, such as raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2022 and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. He is particularly proud of legislation he authored that allows terminally ill Californians to attempt experimental treatments to try to save their own lives.
Majority Leader Calderon currently serves as the Chair of the Select Committee on Youth and California’s Future, Co-Chair of the Legislative Technology and Innovation Caucus, and Co-Chair of the Legislative Millennial Caucus. He is a member of the Insurance Committee, Appropriations Committee, Privacy and Consumer Protection Committee, and the Elections and Redistricting Committee.
In recognition of his work to foster innovation in California, Majority Leader Ian Calderon was named Legislator of the Year by TechNet, received the Internet Champion Award from the Internet Association, and was named TechAmerica’s 2014 California Tech Champion, as well as the 2016 CompTia California Tech Champion. A staunch supporter of arts education, Ian received the California Association of Museums’ 2015 President’s Award and was named a Legislative Arts Champion by Californians for the

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