Representative Abdullah Hammoud
Michigan Future Caucus, Co-Chair (D)

Rep. Abdullah Hammoud was born and raised in Dearborn, Michigan, the city he now represents as part of the 15th House District. Hammoud is the son of immigrant parents and the product of his local public school system. He has provided unwavering support to the city of Dearborn and the state of Michigan through over a decade of work as a volunteer, advocate, and community activist.
Rep. Hammoud earned his bachelor’s in science from the University of Michigan-Dearborn and continued to earn his master’s in public health from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. He worked as a healthcare consultant for three years before serving the international community by volunteering with the United Nations Relief and Work Agency. Hammoud was elected as the youngest board member for the Michigan League of Conservation Voters, where he worked to protect Michigan’s land, air, and water. He also was a healthcare advisor for Henry Ford System and Health Alliance Plan.
He was elected to the legislature in 2014 and has worked on legislation to support K-12 college and career readiness and protect Michigan’s environment and natural resources. He has also supported anti-discrimination measures and expansions of civil protections to all residents of his state.

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