South Carolina Future Caucus
South Carolina Future Caucus connects Gen Z and millennial lawmakers who seek to transcend polarization and get results for their communities.

South Carolina Future Caucus Co-Chairs
South Carolina Future Caucus is led by a team of co-chairs who are committed to collaborating across partisan lines to deliver policy results.

Transcending political polarization in South Carolina through Gen Z and millennial leadership
16 millennial lawmakers serve in the South Carolina legislature
1 Gen Z lawmaker serves in the South Carolina legislature
28% of lawmakers in the South Carolina legislature are from the Gen Z and millennial generations
12 total bipartisan bills passed by the legislature in 2023 were sponsored by young lawmakers

Breaking Silos In Alaska With Rep. ashley Carrick
February 23, 2024
Breaking silos in Alaska with Rep. <span class="dewidow">Ashley Carrick</span>
Senator Wilson And Senator Tobin Were Selected For The National innovation Fellowship
January 10, 2024
Senator Wilson and Senator Tobin were selected for the National <span class="dewidow">Innovation Fellowship</span>
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