Future Caucus: Not the Kids’ Table, Adults in the Room
March 9, 2017
The Mississippi Future Caucus, made up of the state’s lawmakers under 40, is aiming to bring back calm, bipartisan discourse of the issues, whether both sides of the aisle agree or not.

Often the word millennials is spat, almost like an insult. Then pair that with party affiliations being hurled out as harsh critiques (those liberals or the conservatives) and you’ve got a generation whom at first glance seems completely disinterested with the political arena.
But a group of millennials in the state Capitol are joining a national movement to bring awareness of the political process to young people.
“We’re here to say millennials in this legislature are not at the kids’ table,” said Steven Olikara, Co-Founder and President of Millennial Action Project. “They’re acting like the adults in the room.”
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Future Caucus: not the kids’ table, adults in the room
Often the word millennials is spat, almost like an insult. Then pair that with party affiliations being hurled out as harsh critiques (those liberals or the conservatives) and you’ve got a generation whom at first glance seems completely disinterested with the political arena. But a group of millennials in the state Capitol are joining a […]

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