Former U.S. Representative Carlos Curbelo Joins Millennial Action Project’s Bipartisan Advisory Board
January 24, 2019
The Millennial Action Project (MAP), the nation’s largest nonpartisan organization of young lawmakers working to bridge the partisan divide, announced today that former U.S. Representative Carlos Curbelo will join its Advisory Board. As a member of the Advisory Board, Curbelo will provide strategic guidance and support for MAP’s involvement with Congressional leaders and Millennial legislators across the country.

Congressman Curbelo Joins Former Senators Olympia Snowe and Bill Bradley on Millennial Nonprofit’s Board
WASHINGTON, D.C., January 24, 2019: The Millennial Action Project (MAP), the nation’s largest nonpartisan organization of young lawmakers working to bridge the partisan divide, announced today that former U.S. Representative Carlos Curbelo will join its Advisory Board. As a member of the Advisory Board, Curbelo will provide strategic guidance and support for MAP’s involvement with Congressional leaders and Millennial legislators across the country.
“Congressman Curbelo is a fearless leader who has dedicated himself to the cause of healing the toxic political discourse in our country,” said Steven Olikara, Founder and President of Millennial Action Project. “I can think of no better role model for our over eight hundred young legislators as they seek to bridge political divisions and lead on difficult, generational challenges, such as climate change and immigration.”
During his time in Congress, Curbelo founded the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus and was the first Republican in a decade to introduce legislation taxing carbon emissions. He also served as a co-chair of MAP’s Congressional Future Caucus (CFC), the nation’s first and only bipartisan caucus for young members of Congress. The goal of the caucus is to bring members together across partisan lines to creatively and pragmatically forge common ground on the issues facing America’s next generation. With Congressman Curbelo’s leadership last year, two bipartisan CFC-led amendments on veterans skills training and gun violence prevention research became law.
“As co-chair of the Congressional Future Caucus, I saw Millennial Action Project’s power to inspire a new generation of political leaders and to help reform our broken politics. The government shutdown is a clear example of why MAP’s mission is more important than ever, and I am honored to continue our work together in this new role,” said Congressman Curbelo.
Contact: Julia Schechter, (917) 282-2754
The Millennial Action Project (MAP) is a national, nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to activating young policymakers to bridge the partisan divide and strengthen our democracy. In 2013, MAP organized America’s first-ever bipartisan caucus for young members of Congress, the Congressional Future Caucus. Shaping the next generation of leadership, MAP’s Future Caucus Network has expanded into over 25 state legislatures and grown into the largest nonpartisan organization of millennial elected officials in the U.S. More info available

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