Event Advisory: Young Legislators Join Together For Panel On 21st Century Policy Making
March 6, 2017

February 24, 2017
Jolie Spiegelman, (202) 480-2051
AUSTIN, TX— On Monday, February 27th, young policymakers from across Texas will join together to discuss governing in the 21st century. The panel will approach the most pressing issues facing millennials, the largest generation. The nonpartisan panel is being convened by the Young Texans Legislative Caucus (YTLC), chaired by Representative Eric Johnson, and the Millennial Action Project, a national movement of young elected officials breaking through partisan gridlock to reestablish political cooperation.
The panel will feature young elected officials as well as Millennial Action Project’s State Future Caucus Director, Cherisse Eatmon.
WHO: Former Wisconsin State Assemblyman Mandela Barnes
Desoto City Councilwoman Candice Quarles
Travis County Democratic Party Chairman Vincent Harding
Lancaster City Councilwoman Nina Morris
Cherisse Eatmon, State Future Caucus Director, Millennial Action Project
WHAT: Panel of young leaders convening to discuss future focussed policies and the need for nonpartisan legislating.
WHERE: Texas Capitol’s Old Supreme Court Courtroom
WHEN: Monday, February 27th from 5:00-6:00 PM.
Media can RSVP by contacting Jolie Spiegelman at (202) 480-2051 or [email protected].
The Millennial Action Project (MAP), is a national, nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to activating young policymakers to bridge the partisan divide and lead a new era of collaborative governance. In 2013, MAP organized America’s first-ever bipartisan caucus for young members of Congress, the Congressional Future Caucus. Shaping the next generation of leadership, MAP’s Future Caucus Network has expanded into fifteen state legislatures and grown into the largest nonpartisan organization of millennial elected officials in the U.S. More info available at: futurecaucus.org.

Be a part of a network of lawmakers committed to governing effectively, passing more representative public policy, and increasing public trust in democracy.