California Future Caucus Members Ridesharing Bill Becomes Law
October 11, 2015
California ridesharing legislation proposed by Assemblywoman Ling Ling Chang, Co-Chair of the California Future Caucus, becomes law.

Assemblywoman Ling Ling Chang (R-Diamond Bar), Co-Chair of the California Future Caucus, was the driving force behind a bipartisan effort to pass AB 229, which Governor Jerry Brown signed into law on October 11, 2015. The co-sponsors included Assemblyman Evan Low, Chang’s fellow Future Caucus Co-Chair.
This law allows for state employees to be reimbursed for using ride-sharing services, like Uber, and short-term rental providers, like Airbnb, when traveling for official state business through 2019. The law’s signing resonates as cities around the country recognize October as Ridesharing Month. More and more, legislation dealing with the sharing economy is being introduced all over the country.
As innovative applications like Uber become more widespread, state policies must adjust to the changing marketplace and technological environment. The law provides a more economical option for employees to use vendors that are less expensive than traditional taxis or hotels, while saving the state money in the long run.
The concept of a sharing economy is gaining traction, and this legislation showcases bipartisan support for smart regulations. Especially as platforms like Lyft and Airbnb grow and new platforms develop, governments will need to work together to foster innovation and facilitate a successful sharing economy.
The goal of the California Future Caucus is to foster a nonpartisan community of young state-elected officials that models post-partisan leadership on future-oriented issues facing America’s next generation.
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