Tearing Down Barriers
September 2, 2015
“Future Caucus” aims to reach Millennials

Watch the broadcast coverage here.
“A small group of lawmakers want to tear down centuries-old barriers between republicans and democrats at the California capitol, and they’re claiming a new organization of legislators could be the solution.
They’re calling it the “Future Caucus”, and it’s made up of 15 elected officials, mostly under the age of 40. The caucus aims to provide the millennial generation with ways to practice a more collaborative form of governance.
One lawmaker says the movement aims to take advantage of social media to connect with Millennials who want to take part in political change — and want to be able to engage with their elected officials directly.
‘They used to have this perception that elected officials are up here and don’t have time to engage with their constituents but we’ve proven that wrong,’ said Assemblywoman Ling Ling Chang (R-Diamond Bar), co-chair of the California Future Caucus.”

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