Virginia Future Caucus
Virginia Future Caucus connects Gen Z and millennial lawmakers who seek to transcend polarization and get results for their communities.
Virginia Future Caucus Co-Chairs
Virginia Future Caucus is led by a team of co-chairs who are committed to collaborating across partisan lines to deliver policy results.
Transcending political polarization in Virginia through Gen Z and millennial leadership
51 millennial lawmakers serve in the Virginia legislature
0 Gen Z lawmakers serve in the Virginia legislature
36% of lawmakers in the Virginia legislature are from the millennial generation
49 total bipartisan bills passed by the legislature in 2023 were sponsored by young lawmakers
Rising Republican Star And Former Nascar Driver Collide In Senate Primary in Southside
May 20, 2023
Rising Republican star and former NASCAR driver collide in Senate primary <span class="dewidow">in Southside</span>Young People Are Winning Elections. now What?
January 11, 2022
Young people are winning elections. <span class="dewidow">Now what?</span>National Group Wants To Back Virginia Centrists, boost Bipartisanship
April 1, 2019
National group wants to back Virginia centrists, <span class="dewidow">boost bipartisanship</span>
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