096: OK Reps. Daniel Pae and Ajay Pittmann-overcoming partisan division
March 22, 2023
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The Spirit of Leading Podcast
096: OK Reps. Daniel Pae and Ajay Pittmann-overcoming partisan division
Most citizens are put off by the acrimony and pettiness of what has become political discourse. Younger elected leaders are seeking ways to overcome the negativity and have serious policy conversations about important issues.
Rep. Ajay Pittmann (D HD99) and Daniel Pae (R HD62) have emerged as two leaders in this effort. Along with co-chairs, State Sen. John Michael Montgomery (R SD32) and Jo Anna Dossett (D SD35), the Oklahoma Future Caucus is seeking ways to encourage a more collaborative atmosphere among lawmakers in both chambers.
The future caucus is the state component of the national Millennial Action Project that touts their, “audacious mission: activate young leaders to bridge the partisan divide and transform American politics.” MAP’s stated vision is promoting, “A diverse democracy where the political culture is grounded in empathy and leaders pursue innovative policy solutions.”
The OK future caucus team recently was recognized by MAP with the organization’s Cherisse Eatmon Collective Impact Award recognizing an outstanding state caucus, “for their future-focused leadership and political bridge-building.”
On this episode of the Spirit of Leading podcast, I catch up with Rep. Pittmann and Rep. Pae together, after first interviewing them individually when they were first elected in 2018, to get their update on the Oklahoma future caucus progress.
Related links
Millennial Action Project website
Oklahoma Legislature website
Rep. Daniel Pae 2023 House contact page
Rep. Ajay Pittmann 2023 House contact page

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