The Future Caucus is pleased to offer travel assistance, as funding allows, for legislators to attend the 2019 Future Summit in Nashville, Tennessee.
Hotel: For legislators attending the 2019 Future Summit, the Future Caucus has reserved a hotel block at the Nashville Marriott at Vanderbilt University, 2555 West End Ave, Nashville, TN 37203 for the evenings of Friday, August 2nd and Saturday, August 3rd. Future Caucus will cover hotel room costs in full for attendees sharing a room with another state legislator. For those attendees requesting a private room, Future Caucus will cover one half of the nightly rate, taxes and fees of the hotel room. Guests will be responsible for all incidentals.
If your hotel reservation is not canceled within 72 hours before your intended arrival, you will be responsible for the cost of one night’s stay.
Flight: You can only request reimbursement for airfare or mileage. If you need to cancel or change your flight, you are responsible for notifying your airline. Future Caucus will not reimburse airport parking fees. Your flight cost and Future Summit related ground transportation fees can be applied to your scholarship reimbursement up to a maximum total reimbursement of $350.00. For legislators traveling from outside of the mainland United States (Hawaii and Alaska) the total maximum travel reimbursement is $500.
Mileage reimbursement: If you are driving to the summit, Future Caucus will reimburse your mileage at the federal mileage reimbursement rate (58 cents per mile). Please note, the federal mileage reimbursement rate includes the cost of gas. The Marriott has an underground parking garage for guests. Your mileage and host hotel parking costs during summit attendance can be applied to your scholarship reimbursement up to a maximum total reimbursement of $350.00 ($500 maximum reimbursement for legislators from outside the mainland United States).
Attendance: Attendees must attend all summit events to receive travel reimbursements. Arrival and departure times outside of the full summit programming will result in a reduced reimbursement. Attendees with participation scheduling conflicts must receive prior written approval from Caroline Dvorsky ([email protected]) to avoid any decrease in reimbursement.
Cancellation: Due to the limited number of travel funds available, summit registrants must immediately notify Future Caucus if they are no longer able to attend.
Reimbursement: Future Caucus will process and mail all approved reimbursements within 3 weeks after the summit. You must submit all receipts for reimbursement to Caroline Dvorsky ([email protected]) by August 15, 2019. If you are unable to deposit your reimbursement within 60 days, your original check will be void. Future Caucus is able to issue one replacement check, if necessary. After 60 days of issuing the replacement check, the check will be void and funds will be forfeited.
For questions regarding the 2019 Legislator Travel Policy, please contact Caroline Dvorsky at [email protected]. To be eligible for reimbursement, you must attend the summit in its entirety unless you have prior written approval from Caroline.
Updated on 5/16/19
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